Julien SebagUX Engineer

Hi I'm Julien, a French UX Engineer based in Berlin, Germany.

Currently working as Front end developer at Nielsen and formerly Product Designer at Nielsen too, I create cool interfaces, code websites, and usually drink tea.

Check my CV (EN)Check my CV (FR)

You like what you see and want to work with me, have a coffee or just have a chat?

At the moment, I’m based in Berlin, Germany. You can contact me anytime via any social network or by email!















October 2021 - December 2021


During IronHack Web Developmnent Bootcamp, I had to work on several projects.

For all of them I had a week to code an app on a subject I chose.

Artists booking app

Project made with React, Styled-components, Express and MongoDb.

Website to book artists / bands for private events.Anyone can register on the app, as a normal user or an artist, and users can contact artists from a form.


How to facilitate artists booking for private events?


The idea was to create a single page app in React, with an Express / MongoDb back end. Users can see a list of all artists, filter them by location / price / etc., visit artists profile pages, and contact them with a chat feature. Artists can register, change information about them, and their visibility on the website, and of course answer to users directly from the app.


You can log in as a user with a@b.com for email, and Password42 for the password. To login as an artist, you can use b@c.com, and use the same password.

Artists booking app

Click on image to visit.

See the full project on Github

Events app


A mini social network, where users can organise events, like on Facebook. This app was developed using Handlebars, JavaScript and SCSS for the front end, and Express / MongoDb for the back end.


The idea was to create a full stack app where anyone can organise events. This project was created for people who do not like social networks, but still want to be aware of events in their area.

The content is accessible only to logged in users, who can create, update and delete events. Users can also comment on the wall of event and delete their own comments.


You can log in with a@b.com for email, and password for the password.

Event app

Click on image to visit.

Flappy bird clone

Clone of the game Flappy Bird, made with P5 Js. The main challenge here was to save highest scores without back end, which was solved by adding it to local storage.

Clone flappy bird

Click on image to visit.

Next project